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Maddy StMichael

Maddy St Michael is the creator and producer of Soap Scum. She earned her MFA in Theatre while studying in Louisiana, London and San Diego. While she was moving around she sold encyclopedias door-to-door, taught infants to swim, delivered singing telegrams, performed stand-up comedy and hosted karaoke. At times she was a props mistress, costumer, and serving wench. She currently works as a freelance graphic designer and is certified in both Final Cut Pro and Avid editing. She designed this site in 2001 and recently updated it as a tribute to fun times and wonderful people.

Dr. Mammary Lane bore twins at the Hidden Valley Rancho Ralphs supermarket, which led to a messy clean up on aisle 5 and a messier split with her lover, Decker Black. She is struggleing with single motherhood and the the responsiblity of heading the new pediatric wing, especially because she loathes children.

Dr Mammary Lane
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